Information for clients of online store
You can place your order for philatelic items on the electronic catalog of online store, by making a payment with a payment card.
Features and benefits of this service are:
• Selection of philatelic item on the electronic catalog;
• Easy ordering procedure and form of payment;
• Fast delivery of goods;
• A guarantee of quality and reliability in service.
When ordering a product, you yourself choose shipping method and payment, including the address for delivery.
Due to the existing of mail limitations, one order shall not be more than 105 stamps or 20 postcards (hereinafter as the PC) in the amount of not more than 18000 tenge.
When you click «Add to Cart» your selected item is placed in the list, conventionally called «Trashing the customer».
To remove unnecessary items, left-click on the Recycle Bin icon crossed.
Making your reservation is not more than 10 working days prior to the mailing(in connection with force majeure may be increased).
Note: when placing an order for stamps and PCs, the cost of a PC may not be reflected in the order form, while it is taken into account in the order amount.
For service online store, please contact the Office of postage stamps by phone: +7 (727) 259-88-99 (ext. 20196), or by e -mail:;
Delivery Methods
Delivery is carried out on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and outside the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The cost of delivery by land mail across the Republic of Kazakhstan will be - 580tenge, outside the Republic of Kazakhstan - 2 600 tenge.
The cost of delivery by air mail outside the Republic of Kazakhstan will be – 2 800 tenge.
The final amount that you have to pay depends on the delivery method you choose. All prices are in Kazakhstan tenge.
Orders can be issued only through prepaid payment system EPAY, using credit card payment systems Visa International, EuroPay (MasterCard/Eurocard).